What Are Byzantine Icons?

Byzantine icons are a type of religious art that originated in the Byzantine Empire, the easternmost section of the Roman Empire that was centered in Constantinople (now Istanbul) in the first millennium AD. These iconic images are usually of Jesus, Mary, and the saints and are often crafted in a distinctive style of art that has become known as “Byzantine.” The Art of the Icon follows this tradition closely with our handmade Byzantine icons crafted in Greece. Learn more about Byzantine icons below, and shop with us today!

Reasons to Shop With The Art of the Icon

Shopping for religious icons can be a powerful and meaningful experience. Whether you are looking for a meaningful gift for a loved one or looking to add a spiritual touch to your home, shopping at a religious icon store can provide you with the perfect piece. Here at The Art of the Icon, we are proud to be the largest iconography company in the world, manufacturing and selling handmade religious icons. Here are some reasons why you should shop at our religious icon store. Shop today!